High schoolers join us for White Out from March 21-23, 2025, in Fraser, CO. Registration is open!
Take control of your finances. Life Community Church offers Financial Peace University for nine weeks on Thursday nights from 6:30-8 p.m., starting Feb. 6 at our church, 2140 Broadway Building B. Register now!
Strengthen your walk with Christ and join us for Trailhead: Foundations of the Faith, an 11-week course from 9-10:15 a.m. on Sundays, starting Feb., 9, at Life Community Church. Register now!
The entire global church gathering like never before. Join us at Life Community Church, 2140 Broadway, from 6-10 p.m. on Fri., Feb. 28, to start things right!
Life Community Church, 2140 Broadway, will hold its next Baptism Weekend during services on March 1 and 2. Register today!
Women are invited to a 9-week Bible Study through the book of Romans from 9-10:30 a.m., on Tuesday mornings, starting Tues., March 11, in Life Community Church’s Room 103, 2140 Broadway Building B.
Our mission trip to Ensenada, Mexico, is May 25-30. Our registration and informational packet is available. Check it out!