church center app
The Church Center App by Planning Center is where you can shop for and join your group. Below, select the appropriate button to download the Church Center App. If needed, we’ve provided a step by step guide to get you all set up!
STEP 1. When you first download the Church Center App this is the first screen you’ll see. Simply select “GET STARTED”.
STEP 2. Selecting “USE MY LOCATION” is optional. However, it will make finding Life Community Church much easier as the Church Center App is used by many other churches.
STEP 3. Now that you’ve selected “USE MY LOCATION” from step 2, Life Community Church shouldn’t be hard to find!
STEP 4. Be sure to confirm you are selecting Life Community Church by double checking the address shown on your screen. 2140 Broadway BLD A, Grand Junction, CO 81507
STEP 5. Here you will create an account by using your phone number or email address. This will allow you to easily register for your group or event.
STEP 6. If you entered your phone number you will promptly receive a text containing a login code to enter.
STEP 7. You’re in! Welcome to your Church Center app. Now, simply navigate to the groups page by selecting “GROUPS” located in the menu bar at the bottom of your screen.
STEP 8. Almost there! Select the correct folder to open the page containing all the groups to choose from.
STEP 9. Simply scroll to find the group or event you’d like to join, and select “JOIN” in the bottom right corner of the group or event profile and you’re in!